Anna Pavord
Anna Pavord is the gardening correspondent for the Independent and the author of eight books, including the bestselling The Tulip. She contributes to a number of magazines, both in the US and the UK and regularly fronts programmes for BBC Radio 3 and 4. She chairs the Gardens Panel of the National Trust and sits on the Parks and Gardens Panel of English Heritage. She lives in Dorset, England, where she spent thirty years restoring the garden of an old rectory. She has recently moved to a new house and started another garden. She is married and has three daughters. The Curious Gardener, published by Bloomsbury in November 2010, brings together in 12 chapters - one from each month of the year - 72 pieces on all aspects of gardening.
Anna Pavord @ 5x15 - Her Passion for Plants
Anna Pavord is the gardening correspondent for the Independent and the author of eight books, including the bestselling The Tulip. She contributes to a number of magazines, both in the US and the UK and regularly fronts programmes for BBC Radio 3 and 4. She chairs