Beau Lotto
Dr R. Beau Lotto, is a neuroscientist and Director of Lottolab at University College London, co-Director of the branding Neuro-Design lab Beautiful Mind LTD and CEO of the Silicon Valley start-up called Ripples INC. He has been conducting and presenting research on human perception for more than 25 years. The approach of 'science as experience' is winning an ever-wider public audience: being recently awarded the Josef Albers Prize for ‘Disruptive Innovation’ at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York; two BBC Horizon programmes, National Geographic’s Brain Games, two main-stage TEDs, a Google Zeitgeist. He was the first scientist to exhibit at the Hayward Gallery on the South Bank; created the first public perception lab at the London Science Museum, and worked to develop the Hummingbird Institute in Chile.