Ben Anderson
Ben Anderson is a journalist and documentarian. His career highlights include making the documentaries, Holidays in the Axis of Evil, Taking on the Taliban, The Violent Coast, Frontline Football and Slumdogs and Millionaires. He spent four years concentrating on the war in Afghanistan, during which he produced and presented two hard-hitting documentaries: Bravo’s Deadly Mission: Battle for Marjah and Panorama: The Battle for Bomb Alley. Closer to home, Ben’s insight into the EDL for the BBC3 documentary Young British and Angry won critical acclaim. Over the course of his career, Ben has won a Foreign Press Award and was twice shortlisted for the Royal Television Society Young Journalist of the Year honor and Prix Europa prizes. Ben's book about his experiences in the war-torn southern provinces of Afghanistan, No Worse Enemy, was published in March 2012.