Clare Clark
Clare Clark was born in London in 1967. A Senior Scholar at Trinity College Cambridge she graduated with a Double First in History. Novels published by Penguin include The Great Stink, The Nature of Monsters, Savage Lands and Beautiful Lies. Her most recent book is a novel about love and loss, We That Are Left, which explores the devastating effect of the First World War and the choices a family must make when all the conditions and convictions upon which they have constructed their lives have been shattered. She is married with two children and lives in London.
Clare Clark @ 5x15 - The Physics of Fiction
Clare Clark was born in London in 1967. A Senior Scholar at Trinity College Cambridge she graduated with a Double First in History. Novels published by Penguin include The Great Stink, The Nature of Monsters, Savage Lands and Beautiful Lies. Her most recent book is a novel about love and