Henry Eliot
Henry Eliot is the Creative Editor of Penguin Classics. Having studied English Literature at Cambridge University, he has spent the past decade immersed in literature, creating a mass public pilgrimage for the National Trust inspired by William Morris; recreating Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales to raise money for the National Literacy Trust; and leading a number of literary tours, including a Lake Poets tour of Cumbria and a quest for the Holy Grail based on Malory’s Le Morte Darthur. He was a Trustee of the William Blake literary society for three years.Eliot is the co-author with Matt Lloyd-Rose of Curiocity, an illustrated book of unexpected London journeys and experiences.About Follow This ThreadLabyrinths are as old as humanity, the proving grounds of heroes, the paths of pilgrims, symbols of spiritual rebirth and pleasure gardens for pure entertainment.Henry Eliot leads us on a twisting journey through the world of mazes, real and imagined, unravelling our ancient, abiding relationship with them and exploring why they continue to fascinate us, from Kafka and Kubrick to the myth of the Minotaur and a quest to solve the disappearance of the legendary Maze King."Delightful, ingenious and beautifully designed", Philip Pullman