Janine di Giovanni
Janine di Giovanni is one of Europe's most respected and experienced reporters. She began reporting by covering the first Palestinian intifada and went on to report nearly every violent conflict since then. Her trademark has always been to write about the human cost of war, to attempt to give war a human face, and to work in conflict zones that the world's press has forgotten. Janine has written several books: Ghosts by Daylight: A Memoir of War and Love; The Place at the End of the World: Essays from the Edge; Against the Stranger; The Quick and The Dead, about the siege of Sarajevo; and the introduction to the best-selling Zlata's Diary, about a child growing up in Sarajevo. Most recently, her focus has been on Syria; she has consulted with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the Syrian refugee crisis, writing a major advocacy report on the future of women refugees in July 2014, and was part of a team that wrote a report on the future of Syria’s refugee children. Her latest book is The Morning They Came for Us: Dispatches from Syria.