Jasvinder Sanghera
Jasvinder Sanghera is a British born survivor of a forced marriage and founder of Karma Nirvana. Karma Nirvana is a leading and award-winning Charity that hosts the UK national dedicated Helpline supporting all victims and professionals seeking support in cases of forced marriages and honour abuse. Jasvinder is also the author of the best-selling book Shame, which tells her story of terrible oppression, and her harrowing struggle against a punitive code of honour- and finally her triumph over adversity. Further books Daughters of Shame and Shame Travels have been cited as helping shift attitudes, shape policy and practice in the UK.
Jasvinder was awarded Commander of the British Empire (CBE) December 2014, in recognition for her outstanding contribution to victims of forced marriages and honour based abuse. An established contributor to various media networks including a recent contribution to Radio 4-Desert Island Disc in which she documents her journey through chosen music.
Jasvinder’ s evidence has been tested in the Court of Appeal case of B-M Children 2009. The Prime minister has on number occasions quoted Jasvinder stating how ‘she turned his head on the issues’ and subsequently created a criminal offence of forced marriage 2014. In 2009 she was Awarded an Honorary Doctor of the University of Derby. Jasvinder has received numerous awards including Woman of the year, Pride of Britain and was named one of The World’s top 100 Inspirational Individuals in the Guardian list.