Kate Devlin
Kate Devlin is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London. Having begun her career as an archaeologist before moving into computer science, Devlin’s research is in the fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), investigating how people interact with and react to technology, to understand how emerging and future technologies will affect us and the society in which we live.Two years ago, Kate began to explore the particular ways in which sex, gender and sexuality might be incorporated into cognitive systems such as sexual companion robots; having assembled a research team of leading academics to work on this topic, she has become a driving force in the field of artificial sexuality. In short, Kate has become the face of sex robots.She has written articles on the subject for New Scientist and the Guardian, appeared on BBC Radios 1–5, and made a number of TV appearances, along with TEDx talks and numerous other tech and philosophy events, receiving significant media coverage on the way. Kate recently achieved the ultimate accolade of being misquoted in the Daily Mail.