Luke Wright
Luke Wright is one of the country's hottest young poets. His debut theatre show Luke Wright, Poet Laureate, played the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2006, racking up many five star reviews and paving the way for a 25+ date UK tour in 2007. Then followed Poet&Man, A Poet's Work is Never Done and most recently The Petty Concerns of Luke Wright. In all his shows Wright mixes poetry with anecdotal stand-up. Luke has curated The Poetry Arena at The Latitude Festival since 2006. He is a regular contributor to BBC Radio, in 2008 he became a 'poet-in-residence' on BBC Radio 4's Saturday Live. In 2007 Wright self-released a spoken word album called The Rise&Fall of Luke Wright, Esq. Later that year Penguin published Who Writes This Crap? a book of parodies written with fellow Aisle16 poet Joel Stickley.