Oliver Burkeman
Oliver Burkeman is the author of the international breakout bestseller Four Thousand Weeks, a book that touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of readers, and The Antidote. For many years he wrote a popular weekly column on psychology for the Guardian, 'This Column Will Change Your Life'. His work has also appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Psychologies and New Philosopher. In his new book, Meditations for Mortals, he takes us on a liberating journey towards a more meaningful life. Addressing the fundamental questions about how to live, it offers a powerful new way to take action on what counts: a guiding philosophy of life that he calls ‘imperfectionism’.
Past Events
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Oliver Burkeman, author of the international breakout bestseller Four Thousand Weeks.
Join 5x15 online with two extraordinary thinkers - leading theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli and best-selling author Oliver Burkeman
Join 5x15 for a thought-provoking evening with an eclectic lineup of writers, thinkers and activists.