Pen Vogler
Pen Vogler is the author of Dinner with Mr Darcy and Dinner with Dickens and curated the exhibition Food Glorious Food at the Charles Dickens Museum. She edited Penguin's Great Food series, writes and reviews on food history for the press and has recreated recipes from the past for BBC Television. She has given talks and tastings on food in history, including on meals and dining in the Georgian era, throughout the UK. She has appeared on television, cooking and discussing recipes, including on Mrs Dickens' Family Christmas on BBC2 with Sue Perkins. She has also written on the subject for the Guardian, the Observer, and The Lady.
Pen Vogler - Scoff - A history of why we eat what we eat at Christmas | 5x15
Past Events
In this event around her book Scoff: A History of Food and Class in Britain, Pen Vogler tells the story behind why we eat what we eat at Christmas - and throughout the year.