Peter Armstrong
Peter Armstrong has been innovating new forms of progressive media for 50 years, including pioneering radio-link documentaries for Radio 4, the BBC’s Domesday Project, founding the BBC Interactive Television Unit and co-founding with Anuradha Vittachi OneWorld.net, OneClimate.org and Empathymedia.org. He has pioneered the use of live-streaming from climate actions, including the Paris, Copenhagen, Cancun, Bonn and Poznan COP meetings and most recently from Extinction Rebellion on the streets of London. In 2004, he received the BAFTA Lifetime Achievement for his contributions to interactive media - only the second person to win this award, after Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web.
Past Events
Join George Monbiot and Franny Armstrong on their quest to restore our rivers, to make them clean, swimmable, a rich diverse home to fish, birds and animals.