Sara Wheeler
Sara Wheeler is the author of numerous books on the subject of her Antarctic travels, travel biographies, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her international bestseller Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica prompted one reviewer to write 'I do not think there will ever be a better book on the Antarctic'. She has travelled across the 5000 mile stretch of the Russian Arctic, Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Lapland, using her own journey around the magnetic north to illuminate the lives of people who live in this harsh region of the world.
Sara Wheeler @ 5x15 - Arctic Exploration
Sara Wheeler is the author of numerous books on the subject of her Antarctic travels, travel biographies, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. Her international bestseller 'Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica' prompted one reviewer to write 'I do not think there will ever be a better book