Sonia Faleiro
Sonia Faleiro is an award-winning reporter and writer. She is the author of a book of fiction, The Girl and a contributor to numerous anthologies including AIDS Sutra: Untold Stories from India. Beautiful Thing is her first work of non-fiction and is based on five years of research in the secretive world of Bombay's dance bars. It was a Time Out Subcontinental Book of the Year and CNN's Mumbai Book of the Year. Critics described Beautiful Thing as 'a brilliant, unforgettable book by a writer who is one of the best of her generation'. Sonia was born in Goa, studied in Edinburgh, worked in Bombay, and now lives in San Francisco.
Sonia Faleiro @ 5x15 - Dancing Girls of Mumbai
Sonia Faleiro is an award-winning reporter and writer. She is the author of a book of fiction, The Girl and a contributor to numerous anthologies including AIDS Sutra: Untold Stories from India. Beautiful Thing is her first work of non-fiction and is based on five