Zoe Williams
Zoe Williams has been a journalist at the Guardian for fourteen years, writing columns and features and being constantly surprised as everything – from global finance, climate change, social fragmentation, inequality – always turned out to be exactly as dicey as one or other of her colleagues had invariably warned. She's also written for women’s magazines including Marie Claire, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Good Housekeeping, Red, InStyle and Grazia. Before then, she worked as a journalist at the Evening Standard, smashing the patriarchy, one bar review at a time.
Zoe Williams @ 5x15 - Get it Together
Zoe Williams has been a journalist at the Guardian for fourteen years, writing columns and features and being constantly surprised as everything – from global finance, climate change, social fragmentation, inequality – always turned out to be exactly as dicey as one or other of her colleagues had invariably warned.